

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy and are inspired by the stories I tell and the suggestions and thoughts I share. To find out more about what These Are The Heydays is all about, click here

- Diane

What gives Alison a buzz

What gives Alison a buzz

Alison used.JPG

I don't suppose it'll surprise you that it was 61 year old Alison's fabulous blue hair that caught my eye whilst strolling round the Wealden Times Christmas Fair. But chatting to her, it was the hobby that she's turned into a business that makes her such a perfect Heydayer.

"I originally started keeping bees to escape my family! When we had little ones, a friend and I took on an allotment so that we could have a morning doing something just for us. It quickly became a womens’ co-operative because so many women needed some time out. At one point there were about 8 of us that shared it.

The local beekeepers group had to move their apiary and took two allotments on our site and a friend of mine suggested we go and learn to keep bees. So we did. That was 20+ years ago and I’ve kept bees ever since. I’ve always made honey and rolled candles, but about 8 years ago I thought: ‘we could do something with this honey and beeswax because it is a natural moisturiser.’ I’ve never gone down the cleansing, toning, moisturising regime route myself. I’ve always kept my skin care simple and I think my skin has benefitted from it.

I made an awful lot of horrible creams 

I did a lot of research, and made an awful lot of horrible creams that curdled and did nasty things. It took two years to make a cream that was just right - not oily or sticky, but which absorbs well and feels as if you’ve put something good on your skin." 

Alison's business is called BeeInspired and as I love trying new beauty treats, especially natural ones, I bought one of her hand creams. It feels every bit as good as she says!

What's your hobby? Have you turned it into a business? I'd love to hear about it!

Gill won't take no for an answer

Gill won't take no for an answer

Viviana loves lost languages

Viviana loves lost languages