10 Covid friendly Christmas games
Like so much else this year, Christmas for most of us isn’t going to be what we’re used to. If, like my family, you’re going to be apart from the majority of your loved ones, it’s still possible for you to share some of the festive fun together.
And by fun, I do, of course, mean games. Because Christmas simply isn’t Christmas without games in my book. (If you’re shaking your head at this point, I’m afraid we can’t be Christmas friends. You may want to come back to this blog in the new year).
Who Am I - a perennial favourite
Games to play together
If you’re going to be together with a small group of people who aren’t usually part of your bubble, the best games will be ones you can enjoy without having to get too close-up with each other.
* Who Am I ?
is one of our perennial favourites. Get everyone to write names of people on post-it notes (provide big post-it notes and felt tip pens ideally, so the names can clearly be seen without having to get too close) which they fold and put in a bowl. Each person picks out a name and without looking at it, sticks it on their forehead. Then they have to find out who they are by asking questions. There are umpteen variations of this game. These are just a few:
You’re only allowed to ask questions that can be answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and only one question at a time
You ask questions until you get a ‘no’ then it passes to the next person
You have an allocated amount of time to ask as many questions as you can and then you have to guess
You can play in pairs (in current times, ideally the pairs should be part of the same household bubble because you’ll probably end up being physically closer to each other) and the pair have an allocated amount of time to guess as many names as they can (the guessing alternates between the two players each round).
*What’s in the Sock?
This one takes a bit of preparation, but it’s worth it for the any-age fun factor.
Gather as many socks as there are people (best to make them not too thick, so as to be able to feel the contents more easily). Put a number of the same objects in each one and seal the top of the sock with a rubber band. Everyone has a set amount of time to guess what the objects are by feeling them.
Here are some ideas of what to put in (some more fiendish than others):
A matchstick
A paper clip
A dice
A cotton wool ball
A lipstick
A tea bag
A battery
A hair grip
This is a story-telling game. The first person starts a story with a sentence, at the end of which s/he adds the word fortunately or unfortunately. The next person has to pick up the story and add the next sentence, which they also end with fortunately or unfortunately. And so on. This gets very silly very quickly!
*Two Truths, One Lie
Everyone takes it in turns to make three statements which include two truths about themselves and one that is a made-up lie. The other players have to guess which is the lie. If the real lie is not spotted they get to go again. If they are caught out, you move to the next person.
Those last two games can, of course, be played just as enjoyably online. Which neatly brings me (it’s almost as if I planned it) to the festive fun to be had with all those lovely folk you can’t be with in person.
Online games
I know we’re all zoomed out, but being able to at least be together virtually really is the next best thing. There are lots of games you can play together-but-apart and plenty that don’t involve sitting in front of the screen all the time. Here are a few ideas.
*Festive Scavenger Hunt
Give each person a set amount of time (say, 10 minutes) to collect as many of the items on this list (which, of course, you can change or add to) as possible to show and tell everyone about:
Favourite gift of all time
The thing in your house you’ve owned the longest
A holiday item
Their winter coat
Their favourite ugly/Christmas/colourful sweater/item of clothing
A holiday photo
Something that reminds them of someone they love
Their favourite cooking ingredient
Points can be awarded for whoever gets the items together the quickest, whoever’s items are the most entertaining/funny/interesting/clever.
This oldie but goodie needs no explanation, but can be played online just as successfully and hilariously as in real life.
Get each person to hum the first few bars of a Christmas song or carol. Everyone else has to guess what it is.
*Fancy That!
Tell everyone in advance to gather together some paper, toilet paper, sellotape, scissors, paper clips, cotton wool, coloured pens or pencils and…well, anything else you thing would add to the game that won’t be too difficult to find.
Then challenge each person to create a Christmas-themed fancy dress outfit (or mask, or hat, or…well, you get the idea).
Award points for the most creative, clever, funny and original.
*Mixing it Up
This one’s very definitely for adults only, and makes the most of the fact that no-one has to drive because they haven’t left home!
Give everyone a list of cocktail ingredients - gin, vodka, brandy, tonic, etc. - beforehand, that they have to have to have ready to play. Then challenge each person, or group, to come up with a cocktail mix taster which they have to name and which everyone else makes and scores according to how it tastes and how cleverly it’s named.
You could, of course do this partially or entirely with non-alcoholic ingredients.
I hope that’s given you some ideas for ways to ensure that this strange Christmas has as much fun packed into it as possible. Please do add any games suggestions you have in the comments. And have yourself the merriest little (Covid careful) Christmas possible.
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