5 ways to improve your posture
Before we get cracking, it’d probably be useful to understand what exactly is meant when we say posture. Put simply, posture is the way you hold your body. Dynamic posture is how you hold yourself when you are moving, ie: walking, running, or bending over to pick up something. Static posture is how you hold yourself when you are not moving. So when you’re sitting, standing, or even sleeping.
When we have good posture, we’re more flexible and better able to build our strength and all-important balance. (Click HERE to find out why that’s so necessary) That, in turn, can have a significant effect on our energy levels and the stress we put on our joints and muscles.
THIS is an excellent explanation and demonstration of good and bad posture.
The other advantage of paying attention to our posture - and working to improve it, is that it makes us more aware of our own bodies and that can help us to identify any areas of imbalance or weakness that we might not have been aware of before.
These are some of the ways good posture can improve our overall health and wellbeing
It can reduce lower back and neck pain
Sitting or standing in a slouched position for a long period of time places all sorts of stress on our bodies – particularly our spines, and is a contributing factor to lower back and neck pain.
It can help to cut down on headaches
Poor posture can create tension in our upper back, neck, and shoulders, which can play a part in triggering headaches. Improving our posture is one way to lessen tension and help to lessen the number of headaches we get.
It can improve circulation and digestion
Slouching compresses our vital organs, which restricts their ability to work as well as they should. And because healthy blood flow requires proper alignment, this can have an effect on both our circulation and our digestion.
It can enhance muscle and joint function
Good posture becomes increasingly important as we get older. Our joints wear down naturally but poor posture can create more stress on those joints causing that wear and tear to accelerate.
Conversely, when our posture is good, our muscles and joints are able to function properly, helping them to stay healthy and lubricated, and avoid any abnormal wear and tear.
It can help strengthen our spine and core
Maintaining good posture is actually one of the easiest ways to keep our spines strong and healthy. And because maintaining posture requires muscular effort, our core and upper back muscles stay active and engaged, which helps build their strength, and that’s really important for maintaining our strength and balance as we get older.
So now we know why good posture matters, what can we do to improve it? Well, the good news is, plenty. (The less good news for the less patient of us, is that it takes time. Muscle mass and memory can only be properly built up slowly) First off, we need to regularly remind ourselves to straighten up our posture until it becomes second nature.
Then there are lots of exercises that can help us maintain good posture (you knew exercise/s would be involved, didn’t you?). Most of these exercises are focused on strengthening the core, which is why yoga and pilates, which target the whole core with slow, deliberate movements that depend on good alignment can be so beneficial for our overall posture.
If you already do one or the other, these exercises will be familiar to you. If you haven’t yet given either a go, I would really recommend you do. I was never much of a fan of yoga - I tried it on and off several times over the years - but the minute I did my first pilates class over 10 years ago, I absolutely loved it. So if you’ve tried one and not liked it much, have a go at the other. You might find you prefer it.
Here are those 5 exercises that your posture and your body will thank you for doing as regularly as you can.
1. Child’s pose
Child’s pose
Kneel down, with your knees shoulder-width apart, your big toes touching, and your heels splayed out.
Slowly walk your hands out in front of you, extending your arms straight out.
Sink your hips back so they’re resting on your heels, and rest your forehead on the floor.
Breathe deeply into your rib cage and hold the pose for up to five minutes.
This is a great stretch for the back, hips, and thighs, and can help lengthen the spine and is my favourite way to relieve back pain and tension.
Doing child’s pose - if you can every morning and night - is a great way to combat slouching.
2. Cat cow
Cat cow
Start on your hands and knees, keeping your spine neutral. Keep your shoulders directly above your wrists and fingers spread out on the floor to improve your stability.
As you exhale tip your pelvis forward, round your spine out and push it towards the ceiling whilst pulling your belly button up towards your spine, and gaze down at your navel.
As you inhale tilt your pelvis back so your tailbone is sticking up, press your chest forward, allow your belly to drop down, and look up.
Keep alternating between the two positions for one minute.
Because it involves moving the spine from a rounded position to an arched one, cat cow helps to stretch out your spine and relieve tension in your torso, shoulders, and neck, while also improving blood circulation.
3. Thoracic spine rotation
Thoracic spine rotation
Begin by lying on your right side with your hands extended in front of you, legs on the floor with the knees bent at a right angle
Exhale and rotate your left arm up towards the ceiling and all the way over to your left until it’s lying on the floor keeping it straight all the way. Keep your right arm on the floor and your knees folded. To increase the stretch turn your head to the left.
Hold for one inhale and exhale. Then slowly lift the left arm up to the ceiling again and return it to the start position.
Repeat five or ten times, then switch sides.
Your thoracic spine is the section of your vertebra between your neck and lower back. These rotations can help improve mobility in your torso, reduce back pain and stiffness. help maintain good posture, and improve stability.
4. Standing forward fold
Standing forward fold
Start with your feet hip width apart. Allow your knees to bend as much as they need to.
As you exhale, fold forward at the hips and lengthen the front of your torso.
Relax your head and neck, then straighten your legs and bend your spine until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
Each time you exhale, try to stretch a little more. Hold the pose for a minute if you can.
This will help lengthen the spine and stretch out the back muscles, as well as the backs of the legs and is a good way to open the hips and release tension in the neck and shoulders.
5. High plank
High plank
Begin in a press-up position. Lift your heels up and push back, raise your hips, and straighten your arms.
Lengthen the back of your neck, straighten your back, and engage your core, and glutes.
Keep your shoulders back, your chest open, and look down at the floor.
Hold the position for as long as you can - up to a minute at a time if you’re able to. Don’t forget to keep breathing!
Doing the high plank helps to relieve pain and stiffness while simultaneously strengthening your shoulders, glutes, and hamstrings. Because it needs you to use your abdominal muscles, it can help build strength and balance in both your core and back, key components of good posture.
As with all stretches, don’t force your body to do anything that feels painful. And as with all stretches, the more you do these the easier they’ll become.
My thanks to the always excellent RESTLESS website for the inspiration and information for this blog.
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